Andy Harrington

At age 29 Andy Harrington was working in a call centre for an insurance company making just £1500 per month. Frustrated with his dead end job he borrowed £10,000 from the bank and started a business that has now pulled in more than £50’000,000 ($78,000,000) in revenue.

Having sold his company Andy has gone on to coach Hollywood movie stars and some of the world’s best speakers through his Public Speakers University and Professional Speakers Academy.

Andy Harrington is founder of the Professional Speakers Academy and author of the No1 best selling book Passion Into Profit – “How To Make Big Money From Who You Are and What You Know”

Andy devotes his expertise to helping entrepreneurial people reach out to bigger audiences by becoming a better presenter on a stage, on the screen of a computer or an online device.

The very best way to convince people to do business with you is to present and
teach your target market how to overcome a common problem. In doing so you will begin to positionyourself as an expert and then business starts to come to you rather than you having to go out and hunt for business.

Andy has spoken at the world’s most prestigious venues in Australia, Dubai, Malaysia, Singapore and London, including Wembley and the biggest indoor venue in Europe, The London o2 Arena, where he captivated an audience of over 8,500 people and has shared the stage with Sir Richard Branson, Anthony Robbins, Sir Alan Sugar, Brian Tracy, Paul McKenna and Bob Proctor of The Secret to name but a few.


Having great presentation skills is vital if you want to be recognized and rewarded as an expert or specialist. Experts need to be confident and congruent when they give their expert opinion or perspective especially when sharing new or innovative ideas.

Most business presentation focus way too much on facts figures and graphs and only talk to the logical left hemisphere of the brain. To make your presentation come to life become an expert at creating and delivering stories that change hearts and minds and help them to ‘get it’ at a deeper level of understanding.

Far too many so called experts kill their audience with ‘Death by Powerpoint’ with numerous slides with countless bullet points. Bullet points are for guns and to-do lists. Instead of this turn your content into intellectual property by creating a a Unique Branded System in the form of a solution framework.

It’s not enough to have content that is emotional or logical it has to also be psychological.
What often prevents people from
saying YES to your proposal is a limiting belief or mindset. So it is vital you design and deliver content that subtly shifts these beliefs which changes their thinking, state, decisions actions and therefore their results.

Having the ability to authentically pitch your products and services is the lifeblood of every business. However most entrepreneurs don’t have a systemised methodology of doing it. So their results are affected by how they feel or if they are ‘on song’ today. The best way to create a pitch is through a presentation that educates and entertains the audience and finishes with an irresistible offer that has them clambering to do business with you

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